
Mar 12, 2012

Toddler Fun

I was trying to turn on a movie for Elias and the vcr just kept spitting the video out at me. I got a little bummed because 90% of our Disney collection is on VHS. Once I had a few spare minutes I decided to take a look at it since the connected DVD player still worked great. I tried reaching in and didn't feel any big toys so picked it up to shake it. Heard it rattle like a snake. A good 10 minutes of shaking, twisting, turning, and pouring and I got 10 goldfish out and quite a few crumbs. Apparently it is just as fun to swim the fishies into your mouth as it is to swim them into forbidden flaps :)
Elias is loving giving kisses now, and with Broc gone on his mission for 6 months, he has finally gotten over the open mouth kiss and is willing to give them closed lips :) He is getting way better as his signs and is starting to put 2 together. The other night, we were playing with him getting him ready for bed and he was giggling so cute I wanted to take him to the other room to play some more before putting him down. He saw me walking out of his room and quick signed "sleep" to me and pointed to his crib. Guess he knows what he wants! He is starting to mimick all short phrases we say, and is willing to wear or do anything we do.
22 weeks along with our little girl - getting closer and closer! Showing more and more all the time and she is moving like crazy. She moves way more than I remember Elias moving. Still no decision on a name, but hopefully getting close!

Jan 30, 2012

16 going on 17!

Well, this week is a neat one for us! Our little man is 16 months old, AND our future little lady is 16 weeks along! For those of you who haven't heard, we are expecting and due on July 15th! We are struggling to come up with a name (we had a hatful of boy ones we loved, but are having a hard time nailing down one for a girl).

Elias is learning new words all the time and is understanding more and more. Some of his favorite things to do are to laugh after he hears other people laugh and to "dance". Dancing for him consists of a series of deep squats followed by as many tight spins as he can get in before he loses his balance :) He also had a first this week of interlocking his fingers for prayer. He loves reading and will bring you book after book after book to read to him. His lovely locks are getting really long, but we can't bring ourselves to cut them for fear those darling curls will be gone forever. Some days he really looks homeless, but most days his curls bring ooo's and aaa's from fellow shoppers. He also is learning to enjoy sporting sunglasses...
Davin is doing well, loving his 3 day work weeks (to clarify, he loves the 4 day weekend part at least). He is enjoying spending time with the scouts and is looking forward to the Klondike this weekend. I am so glad that is something only the guys have to do! While we were in Minnesota he was trying to find a good outfit to wear for his Klondike campout... None were tall enough for him, unfortunately ;) Didn't stop him from testing it out though, just to be sure! His opera glasses business is doing well and is enabling us to go on a getaway to Oahu in only 11 more days! We are staying near Waimea Bay and Haleiwa and I couldn't be more excited! North Shore was my favorite while I lived on Oahu. We have plans for hiking, PCCing, beaching, snorkeling, tanning, sightseeing, sushi-ing, and just relaxing all around :)

Jan 6, 2012

M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A! Go Gophers!

This past week we got to go to Minnesota to see our cousins and to be able to attend Otto's baptism. The awesome kid has all 100 scripture mastery scriptures memorized before he got baptized! Plus several others that he just enjoys. We were able to enjoy watching them figure skate and kill it in hockey! (Sadie got a pure hat-trick in her game) The 2 girls look like professionals playing with a bunch of elementary school kids.

We got to see the Martins and the Friends for a few days too. So fun!

I got food poisoning one day, which was HORRIBLE on top of morning sickness, but so happy we got to see them and spend so much time with them!

Elias sure had fun playing with his cousins :)